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SERVICES: 24/7 Inotropic Infusion
DIAGNOSIS: Idiopathic Cardiomyopathy with Heart Failure


A mere infant, Delia was diagnosed with an enlarged heart due to an unknown cause. Her heart was not able to sufficiently pump blood, and she needed a continuous intravenous medication in order for her heart to pump efficiently to sustain survival and growth. Delia is currently waiting for a heart transplant.


The RHI team worked with Delia’s parents, home health nurse, and her heart transplant team to successfully transition her from hospital to home while receiving continuous IV Milrinone. Extensive parent education was done before her discharge from the hospital. Transition from Rochester to their hometown was also staged to create opportunities for re-education and re-assessment to make sure Delia’s parents felt confident and supported at home. The RHI team continues to collaborate closely with Delia’s parents, home health nurse, physician team, dietician, and physical therapist to monitor her progress at home.


Today, Delia is a thriving toddler. She loves being at home and playing with her older sister. She is still receiving her IV medication but having a pump has not slowed her down. She is a resilient and determined one-year-old who recently learned how to walk while carrying a backpack containing her medications and pumps.